Komcept Solutions Ltd. recognise that their day-to-day operations and other responsibilities impact on the environment in a number of ways. Komcept is committed to the ideals and practices of environmental responsibility through measures designed to:

  • ensure compliance with all relevant legislation, voluntary or corporate adopted policies (including this policy statement). Where no regulations exist Komcept shall set its own exacting standards;
  • promote good environmental practice and awareness of its environmental policies amongst employees;
  • promote practices consistent with environmental protection as part of normal working patterns;
  • minimise the environmental impact of activities, products and services and reduce, wherever practicable, the level of harmful emissions and waste for disposal;
  • seek to reduce the use of natural resources such as energy, water and raw materials, and maximise the efficient use of such resources, promote reuse and recycling, and the use of recycled/recyclable materials;
  • reduce the amount of packaging used through a reuse programme;
  • take into account the principles of sustainable development in conducting administrative, commercial and social activities;
  • where possible, design energy efficiency into new products and manage energy wisely in all operations, in order to prevent unnecessary environmental impacts in the future;
  • ensure that, wherever possible, suppliers and contractors minimise the impact of their operations on the environment and actively support our environmental programmes through an environmentally sensitive purchasing policy;
  • participate in local initiatives to improve the quality of the environment.

Komcept Solutions Ltd. will adopt a bold, policy oriented programme to develop human resources and build up capacities to support the planning and implementation of environmentally sustainable development strategies the working practice.

Inherent within our approach is a commitment to monitor effects of the company and of human activity in general, on the immediate surrounding environment. Hence Komcept Solutions intends not only to be a leader in bridging the gap between the theory and practice of environmental management at the macro and micro levels, but also to lead in addressing environmental issues, in ensuring that personnel are fully aware of these issues and contribute to their resolution and in instilling environmental responsibility as an intrinsic feature of all its practices and procedures.

To see our latest EPC please click below:
